Our New York City tax and accounting office provides periodic updates based on IRS tax laws and resolutions. Please contact our office if you have any additional questions about the following updates or tax laws for freelancers,the self-employed or U.S. taxes for U.S. citizens living abroad.
Extra Day to File Taxes – The IRS has stated that taxpayers will not be penalized for the technical difficulties the IRS was having on Tax Day with its direct payment and e-filing systems. Tax Day is now April 18, 2018 to allow for these errors. In addition, the IRS’s tax law question phone line will remain active past the tax return filing due date.
Tax Reform – The new IRS forms related to tax reform are expected to be released by this summer. The new forms are subject to tax law changes under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which was enacted last December.
If you have any questions about the new tax laws or tax planning for freelancers, taxes for the self-employed or U.S. taxes for U.S. citizens living abroad, please contact our NYC tax firm and NYC CPA.